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9x7x5 The first great adventure for a 4-legged animal after hitting the ground being born is getting up. And for animals like horses and giraffes with those four long things sticking out, each with a mind of it’s own, getting those things untangled and under them is a real challenge. It’s a shaky balancing act that soon becomes uneventful.

7x14x13 Black bears primarily use their keen sense of smell instead of their eye sight because they really cannot see very well. It does not keep them from standing on a log and taking a blurry look around. You see them doing that quite a lot. I really think they are trying to catch the wind rather than depending on their sight.

18x11x12 Draft horses are just fun to sculpt no matter what they are doing. This one is trying to rid himself of an itchy halter.

9x27x20 Mountain Animals have always intrigued me. Sheep, goats, ibex, all of them. Maybe it’s because I love the mountains. When ibex get up after a short nap it’s often followed with a stretch. The Altai, Gobi, mid-Asian etc with their long, sweeping horns are very dramatic when they do.

7x8x9 This whitetail doe had her fawn just outside my studio window in Wyoming. She coaxed it into a nearby stand of Blue Spruce as soon as it could stand on wobbly legs. It was a bit more secluded there. Only then did she let it nurse. Within just a few hours the fawn was trying to tear the world up on legs that seemed to have a mind of their own. She and her fawn hung around the area for several days giving me a chance to see them often

8x16x20 Mountain Nyala, indigenous to Ethiopia, are thought to be the prettiest of all the spiral horned antelope, and they may very well be. Though there are many in the Bale’ mountains, they are difficult to study because of the habitat and their extreme shyness. Some think their natural habitat is in the heather covered mountaintops but I disagree. My feeling is they have been forced from the high mountain bamboo forests and thickets by people’s encroachment.

13x17x14 Bull buffalo or bison all have different ‘top knots’ or masses of hair on top of their heads. Some are quite neat and fluffy looking, and others are like this guy’s.

8x15x15 I think the Bezoar from Turkey are the most striking of all Ibex. Like all the others, they are extremely agile, bouncing from rock to rock on the cliffs they live in.

21x15x16 There are five subspecies of Kudu. This work is of an East African Kudu. Caught in the open he is making a run for cover.